Remote Leadership - Effective Communications and Human Relations

The Nordic Dale Carnegie Course

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for more information about the course ”Remote Leadership – Effective Communications and Human Relations” , 13 August 2024, 9:00-10:30

This program combines the crucially important skills and proven behaviors that leaders need, while focusing on adopting the right attitudes required to be an engaging remote leader. Get the full set of capabilities that you need in today’s business environment, and work through Dale Carnegie’s Leadership Success Model to become a persuasive communicator, creative problem-solver, and confident, enthusiastic leader, even in virtual settings.

Join us for a personal leadership training that enables you to unleash the potential in yourself and others, bridging the gap between physical distance and effective leadership through virtual engagement strategies. has for many years in a row selected Dale Carnegie as one of the world’s best suppliers of training, in leadership and sales.

Dale Carnegie Course, why and what?

What you will learn

  • Build on confidence and personal leadership competence.
  • Enhance abilities crucial for maintaining cohesion in dispersed teams.
  • Empower yourself and your team to manage attitudes and minimize stress, essential for remote leaders facing the challenges of distance and virtual communication.
  • Enhance skills for remote communication, ensuring logical, clear, and concise messages. Energize and engage virtual audiences, while practicing empathetic listening.
  • Utilise techniques to get work done through others and develop the talent of the team members.
  • Develop adaptable leadership skills to take command of your life, become more flexible and innovative, and inspire and motivate others to take action.

This is the program

All sessions are digital.

Before the course
Interview to identify what areas you need and want to develop in your leadership, expectations and goals with the training.

During the course
10 sessions, once a week, each session is 3.5 hours. Support from the trainer, evaluation halfway through the course, together with your supervisor/mentor and trainer. Certification where managers and other important people are invited to hear about your progress.

After the course
Support guarantee for three months – when you need it. Invitation to Carnegie Events and personal follow-up. Certificate on your LinkedIn profile.

What is eVolve?

Dale Carnegie’s Learning Experience Platform eVolve is designed to combine your experiences, social interaction and practical training with inspiring digital resources. An interactive platform with theory, worksheets, clear instructions on what to do before and after sessions, and with access to social collaboration tools for easy contact with other participants and trainer.

How this will help you

With these skills, remote leaders can effectively navigate complex challenges, facilitate creativity, and foster team cohesion, particularly in virtual settings. Apply your newfound abilities to deliver tangible outcomes and establish yourself as a key asset. By mastering the art of influence, you’ll empower others to drive innovation and take ownership. The moment to step into leadership is now!


SEK 45.000. Terms of payment are 30 days from order/notification date.



About our trainers

All our trainers have completed a trainer education program comprising approximately 250 hours, spread over several months, to become Certified Dale Carnegie Trainers. The education is ISO 9001:2005 certified, a globally recognized quality assurance standard, ensuring our participants can trust that they are provided with the best conditions to maximize their program experience.

Who should attend

Professionals from the Nordic countries at all levels who wish to optimize their performance, lead with conviction and positively impact the bottom line. Leaders working remotely will derive great value from their participation.

Contact us for more information

Kommande kurser

2024-09-16 - 2024-11-18

Tid: 13:00 – 16:30


Pris: 45 000 kr