Digital Info Workshop about the Remote Leadership Course 13 August 2024

Remote Leadership - Effective Communications and Human Relations

On 13 August, 9:00–10:30, we will have a digital information meeting about the leadership training Remote Leadership – Effective Communications and Human Relations for leaders and employees who want to optimize their working days through effective prioritization and productive collaborations, especially in remote work settings.

Language: English

In the free digital workshop, we will go through the following:

What are the demands on our self-leadership as remote leaders?
What kind of leaders do dispersed teams need?
Areas that are important to focus on for personal professional development.
How is the program structured and what you can expect.

Our ambition is to crystallize your needs for skill development in communication and leadership, as well as to give you insights on what it is like to participate in our physical and digital trainings. Therefore, we will keep you 100% active during the entire video meeting!


Register to the digital info workshop 13 August here: